Yin/Yang Flow, sön 17:00-18:15 VT25
Yin/Yang Flow is sweet and hearty class that allows you to unfold in your own layers with mindfulness and ease. This class provides a container for us all. From the nourishing YIN moments as we restore and immerse ourselves deeper within the authentic nature of our body. To the moments of Yang that give birth to our creative flow, igniting playfulness and explorative movement. Experience the harmonious dance of yin & yang that lives within us. The class ends with a deep and nourishing savasana and may include the healing touch of Reiki for those who desire more nourishment.
Lärare: Joanne Post Youssef
Tid: Söndag kl. 17:00-18:15
Datum: 19/1 - 1/6
Uppehåll: 2/3 och 20/4