Embodied Flow™ (Swe/Eng), tors 17:30-18:45 VT24

We use asana, somatic practices, pranayama, meditation and sometimes free movement to get into a state of moving meditation . It could sometimes be more gentle, sometimes more physical challenging depending on the theme. (Class is held in Swedish & English)

These classes are based on the methodology of Embodied Flow™, founded by Tara Judelle.
"Embodied Flow™ is a continuum of movement and expression drawing from the discoveries of hatha, tantric and somatic movement systems to experience the living art of yoga

Teacher: Veronica Holm
When: Thursdays 17:30-18:45
Dates: 18/1 - 13/6
No classes: 29/2, 4/4, 9/5 och 6/6 



Betalarens uppgifter



I denna klass integreras hathayoga och dess positioner och andningstekniker med tantrisk filosofi, "embodiment" & somatiska verktyg. Klassen kan ibland innehålla mjukare flöden av positioner och ibland mer utmanande allt efter klassens tema som ibland även kan leda oss till någon form av friare rörelse utanför mattan.